Top 30 Beautiful Wishlist Houseplants

Indoor plants are much-needed for a home. They not only add a beautiful green hue to space but also make it more eye-catching. The house plants can always become focal points in your house. Some even help remove toxic in the air and bring luck and wealth for the house owner. You can search for the Vastu plants or Feng Shui plants to know more.

In this post, I’m happy to share 30 beautiful wishlist houseplants for 2021 from Instagram. If you want to bring some more beautiful plants to your home, these are right up your street. Some do well in the bedroom while some need to be grown on the balcony to get direct sunlight. To let these plants offer the best of them, you should learn more about their living habits as well as maintenance. Additionally, there are some plants that thrive anywhere, making them perfect houseplants for lazy and busy homeowners. Let’s check them out!

1. Peace Lily

2. Pothos

3. String of Pearl

4. Money Plant

5. Areca Palm

6. Aglaonema ‘Harlequin’

7. Asparagus Fern

8. Grape Ivy

9. Croton

10. Heartleaf Philodendron

11. Dracaena deremensis ‘Warneckii’

12. Flamingo Flower

13. Rhododendron Simsii

14. Jade Plant

15. ZZ Plant

16. Chinese Evergreen

17. Aglaonema ‘Red Gold’

18. Fiddle Leaf Fig

19. Snake Plant

20. Bunny Ear Cactus

21. Spider Plant

22. Rubber Plant

23. Hawaiian Umbrella Tree Bonsai

24. Weeping Fig

25. Prayer Plant

26. Paddle Plant

27. Dragon Tree

28. Aglaonema ‘Emerald Bay’

29. Sedum morganianum

30. Epipremnum aureum

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