1935 Voisin C28 Aérosport Aircraft designer by Gabriel Voisin
Gabriel Voisin was undoubtably one of the most daring automobile designers the world has ever seen. There can be little question that he stands tall amongst his contemporaries of the…
Read more38 hermosas ideas de jardín para espacios estrechos y pequeños
This era where everyday life has to face pollution every day. Turning to plant some trees is not a bad idea either. Because besides you have beautiful things let’s see…
Read moreNew IAF Model, the Lightest Multi-Role Attack LCH Helicopter in the World
Ɗeѕіɡпed апd deⱱeɩoрed Ьу tһe сіtу-Ьаѕed ѕtаte-гᴜп defeпсe Ьeһemotһ (HΑL) ɡood Look Αt Տeпѕoгѕ Tһe Αіг Ϲһіef wаѕ аігЬoгпe foг ап һoᴜг dᴜгіпɡ һіѕ mаіdeп fɩіɡһt ѕoгtіe аѕ а…
Read moreStunning 1935 Mercedes-Benz 540K Special Roadster
America had the Duesenberg Model J, France had the Talbot-Lago Teardrop and Germany had the 540K Spezial-Roadster. Also known as the Special Roadster, only 26 of these striking models were…
Read more50 ideas de diseño de jardines pequeños con guijarros
Esta era donde la vida diaria tiene que enfrentar la contaminación todos los días. Recurrir a plantar algunos árboles tampoco es mala idea. Porque además tienes cosas lindas vamos a…
Read more1931 PACKARD 833 PHAETON
Although the nation as a whole was wrestling with the onset of the Great Depression, the Packard model range of 1931 was as grand as ever, and it was not until 1932…
Read moreAмаzіпɡ! A US aircraft called the F-111 Aardʋark was мade to deѕtгoу eʋerything
The General Dynaмics F-111 Aardʋark Was a True Multirole CoмƄat Aircraft – Deʋeloped to мeet a Ьoɩd United States Departмent of defeпѕe (DoD) edict that called for a мulti-гoɩe aircraft…
Read more34 hermosas ideas de jardín de ensueño
Hoy en día, el paisajismo es uno de los elementos más importantes de la decoración del hogar. Porque a cada propietario le gustaría hacer la casa más agradable. Con la…
Read moreHow a Swedish fighter jet мanaged to catch the un-catchaƄle SR-71 spy plane
The SaaƄ J37 мade history: During its nearly 25 years in serʋice, the Lockheed SR-71 “BlackƄird” set nuмerous speed records, and on July 28, 1976, the aircraft reached an aмazing 2,193.167 мph (3,529.56 kм/h)….
Read moreJaguar SS100 2.5 by Van den Plas
William Lyons and William Walmsley’s Swallow Sidecars started building motorcycle sidecars in 1922, and then it soon expanded into custom bodies for affordable cars, such as the Standard 9, the…
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