1. Modern Small Apartment Balcony Garden

Grow monstera, palm, fern, and other plants in your urban balcony for a lush tropical look.
2. Green Balcony with Potted Palms

Grow large palms in big containers and create a grand space with couches in the balcony.
3. Apartment Balcony Zen Garden

Create a tropical zen garden in your urban balcony for a blissful experience.
4. Wooden Plant Shelf and Tall Planters

Create a rich tropical look in your balcony with tall planters and a relaxing sitting arrangement.
5. An Urban Jungle!

If you love plants, then dedicate your balcony to growing the ones of your choice to make a tropical jungle!
6. Balcony Garden with Tall Plants

A delightful balcony garden with tall plants and wooden flooring.
7. Extended Balcony with Large Foliage Plants

What a great way to enjoy the city’s view with large foliaged plants from your extended balcony.
8. Monstera in Metal Plant Stand with Hanging Plants

Monstera in a metal plant stand will pair well with other plants in a modern balcony.
9. Minimalist Balcony Design

A minimalistic balcony design with two chairs and potted plants is great for any urban apartment.
10. Wooden Balcony with Planters

If you have a large balcony, you can add wooden accents to grow plants with a retractable shed.
11. Simple Balcony Garden with Palm and Trailing Plants

The graceful fronds of palm with other trailing plants and cut flowers on the table bring a wonderful tropical feel to the balcony.
12. A Long Balcony with Ferns, Hanging, and Tall Plants

A sunny balcony is a great place to have a tropical feel with plants on a wooden sofa.
13. Flowers and Tall Potted Plants

The colors of different flowers match perfectly with tall, dark foliaged plants.
14. Chairs and Table with Classy White Planters

A well-lit balcony is a great place to enjoy the morning sun in the vicinity of plants.
15. Tropical Flowers on a Glazed Balcony

A corner sitting in a flowerful balcony brings a colorful tropical vibe.
16. Small Winter Garden with Tropical Plants

A winter garden with tropical plants and vintage jute furniture looks simply fantastic!
17. Tropical Balcony with Black and White Chequered Tiles

Large foliage plants, black and white chequered tiles, and antique wooden furniture look just the part.
18. Tropical Plants in Jute Baskets

If you have a big balcony space, you can utilize it to grow tropical plants of your choice in jute baskets.
19. Tall Tropical Trees in Balcony

Enjoy a tropical feel on your balcony by growing tall trees with other potted plants in your balcony.
20. Trailing Plants with a Tropical Feel

Hang planters on the wall and grow trailing plants for the tropical vibe in a colorful balcony.
21. Balcony with Fern, Palm, Lights, and a Lounge Chair

Have a relaxing time on a lounge chair surrounded by ferns, palm, and LED lights.
22. Tall Plants behind White Chairs

Tall plants behind white chairs in your balcony will bring a lush tropical feel.
23. Hanging Lights with Fake Pink Flamingo

Adorn your balcony with hanging lights and fake or real plants with a faux pink flamingo.
24. Palm Springs Inspired Balcony

This colorful balcony brings the feel of a palm springs vibe.