Best Ways To Increase Humidity For Indoor Plants

Most of the house plant needs humidity to grow well. If the foliages of your plants are turning yellow, looking dead, drying and falling, these are some of the signs that houseplants need more humidity. How to deal with this problem, don’t worry! The answer is in the post today, here are the best ways to increase humidity for your indoor plants. These ways are easy to make without requiring a lot of effort. Check them out!

In order for your indoor plants to thrive well and be healthy, suitable habitat is important. If the humidity is too low, your indoor plants are susceptible to stress and make weak resistance. And this is a favorable condition for pests and diseases to attack. Conversely, if they receive good humidity, it will help them absorb more nutrients and that will help your plants look more beautiful for themself as well as for the landscape of your home.

#1 Misting

Misting the houseplants is a temporary way to increase the humidity around them. Fill water in a spray bottle and mist the plants. It is an inexpensive and effortless solution to try.

#2 Pebble Trays

As it might be clear from the name pebble trays are nothing but trays filled with pebbles and water. The pebbles should form a thick one or two inches layer. Now, place the houseplant on this tray.

#3 Glass or Bowl

Glass or bowl is an effective way to maintain moisture for small houseplants. Note that the depth of the bowl or glass should be more than the height of the plant. You must have seen plants grown in glass globes and thought it was for aesthetic reasons. Well, apart from aesthetic reasons it is also to create a contained environment to increase humidity.

#4 Terrarium

Terrariums are closed or semi-open glass structures, you can also use aquariums as terrariums. Place the pots in the aquarium or plant the houseplants directly in the aquarium. Plant’s leaves cause evapotranspiration, which raises the humidity levels in a contained environment. If not in the terrarium, you can also group your plants together in the room to increase the humidity level. Plants growing closely create a humid microclimate, so it’s a clever idea to group them together.

#5 Pot in a Pot

Select a one or two sizes bigger pot than the pot of the houseplant. Fill the pot with water and place the houseplant in this larger pot. Keep in mind that the larger pot should be waterproof to prevent leakage. You can also place sphagnum moss in the gap. As the water evaporates or the sphagnum moss dries out, thus humidity level rises.

#6 Best Location

A great way to ensure that plants receive proper humidity is by placing them in a suitable location. Place the houseplant at a place where the moisture content remains high. Windows in the bathroom or nearby the kitchen sink are perfect spots for houseplants. The evaporated water from your steamy showers, cooking, and other things keep the humidity loving plants healthy and growing.

#7 Humidifier

This device is used to raise the humidity levels in the room or a building. A point-of-use humidifier can sufficiently increase the humidity for houseplants. However, humidifiers are expensive as compare to other methods listed in this article. Still, they’re the most guaranteed way to increase humidity. Note that mold, salt, and fungus can build up because of the high humidity in humidifiers. Hence, it is crucial that you clean the humidifier once or twice a month.

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