9 Beautiful Red Indoor Plants

To expand your indoor plant collection, red houseplants can be an exciting and colorful addition. Explore 9 Beautiful Red Indoor Plants! Their stunning foliage can be a focal point of your home decor, elevating the look of your interiors without relying on bright blooms. These red houseplants are really, really attractive that by the end of this post, you’re probably going to want one in every corner of the house.

These houseplants with red leaf texture can add dramatic shades of burgundy, crimson, maroon, and deep pink to all your interior. Some red-leaf houseplants such as coleus, caladium, and anthurium have bright red foliage, they promise to brighten up your rooms as well as add a touch of warmth to the décor. Other types of red-leaved plants such as begonia and ti plant have darker reds or subtle shades of red, they also bring remarkable highlights to your living space.

#1 Rex Begonia

Source: Etsy

The  Rex Begonia bears magnificent red kiss foliage in both the deep red color and size. The leaves have an artistic black outline that enhances their natural beauty.

#2 Polka Dot Plant

Source: Gardencrossings

Polka Dot Plant can grow well even if don’t get much sunlight when grown in shade spots in your home. The red blotches on leaves are great additions to your interiors.

#3 Poinsettia

Source: Homestolove

The bold leaf texture of the Poinsettia is a focal point of your home decoration, especially during the Christmas holiday. It looks great in pots or small containers.

#4 Ti Plant

Source: Fast-growing-trees

Ti Plant displays dark red-burgundy leaves that are variegated with red-pink shades making it looks gorgeous indoors.

#5 Anthurium

Source: Deyoungflowers

Anthurium offers bright-colored waxy red bracts looking in contrast with green foliage. According to NASA, it is one of the best air-purifying plants removing harmful indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde, toluene, ammonia, and xylene.

#6 Nerve Plant

Source: Theplantpoint

Nerve Plant looks truly spectacular by producing dark and pronounced red veins on light, dark green leaves.

#7 Coleus

Source: Smartgardenguide

Coleus is one of the bed red plants you can grow to bring colors to your living space. It shows off stunning leaves coming in shades of red, magenta, pink, and more.

#8 Caladium

Source: Plantingman

Caladium puts on large and vibrant, heart-shaped leaves with a unique texture of the olive green shade with red veins and pink spots.

#9 Croton

Source: Marthastewart

The plant does well both indoors and outdoors to provide a bold stance to interiors and the landscape with red hues on the foliage

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