76 Low Cost Galvanized Steel Decorating Ideas

Zinc is a silvery-white metal mined from the earth. The largest mineable amounts of zinc in the world can be found in the U.S., Australia, and Asia. In ancient times, the zinc that was used was extracted from rocks (known as ores), which contained other metals such as lead and copper. In the construction world in particular, it is most commonly used for roofing and zinc panels.

Perhaps zinc’s best known benefit is its ability to keep away corrosion. Due to iron and steel (an alloy of iron and carbon), people have this general idea that metals used for construction are prone to moisture and rust.

Zinc is great for eco-friendly construction for two reasons. Once, it requires less energy for production than other metals, such as aluminum and copper, due to its lower melting point. And two, zinc is complexly recyclable, since it can be produced from recycled materials taken from demolished or re-roofed structures.


Credit: Pinterest


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