With a marvelous goldfish tattoo you can esteem your little pet, as well you can make it a key to your success, considering the much prosperity and good luck meanings of this tattoo.
Goldfish (Carassius auratus) is one of the most popular fish species kept in aquariums. It differs in body shape and original coloring. You can meet goldfish with unique combinations of white, orange, black, yellow, brown and red․
Native to East Asia, the fish is a member of the carp family, which was first bred for its color in China, and then moved from China to Japan.
It is noteworthy that before reaching China, these fish were not used as a food source. Around the 9th century, these fish were thrown into Buddhist ponds of mercy in an act of fang sheng. Throwing animals into these ponds was considered a good deed and a means of self-purification.
The meaning of this delicate and colorful fish is different in various cultures.
Buddhism, emphasizing the complete freedom of the goldfish in the water, sees it as a symbol of happiness, fertility and harmony.
In China, this fish is associated with a strong marital bond and loyalty. It was even used as a wedding gift.
For the ancient Greeks, the goldfish was a talisman bringing success in marriage, and the ancient Egyptians believed that keeping this fish at home would bring good-fortune and joy.
A goldfish tattoo symbolizes wealth, success and abundance. It can decorate your back, arms, hips, upper and lower legs. Small goldfish tattoos can also be placed on the back of the ear. This tattoo is beautiful even only in black and white colors.
From the goldfish tattoo collection shown below, you can choose a design for yourself that will endlessly amaze you and those around you.