23 Low Light Houseplants That Are Safe for Your Pets

Love growing plants in the home to give your interior a touch of green for your living space but you worry about your pet safety. As you know any pets, whether are dogs or cats, are one of the curious animals, especially when they are young. They are extremely argus-eyed in their quest any things so the article today is for you! We’ve summed up the list of the best indoor plants that are pet-friendly and just require a low light for growth. They are ready to be checked!

There are poisonous houseplants for dogs and cats, some are not. And the 23 Low Light Houseplants That Are Safe for Your Pets and also are great choices to decorate your house more beautiful. Growing them indoors without requiring sunlight frequently helps you can plant them in the most shade of your home for a long time. In addition, like other houseplants, they are easy to grow and take care of. If you aren’t good at gardening, you also grow them well in the home.

#1 Spider Plant

Image Credits: My Essential

The indoor plant is easy to grow and adaptable. It just requires low light and is safe for both cats and dogs. Also, it is able to purify the air by removing formaldehyde and xylene from indoor air.

#2 Boston Fern

Image Credits: Crocus

Boston ferns have stunning foliage but are non-toxic plants, so you can plant them without worrying about your pet’s safety.

#3 Gloxinia

Image Credits: The Spruce

Gloxinia produces brilliant trumpet-shaped flowers, it can attain a height of 6-12 inches so if you have curious pets, you also can safely keep the plant.

#4 Wax Plant

Image Credits: Lazyflora

Wax Plant is one of the houseplants with waxy foliage and it is safe for your dogs.

#5 Moth Orchid

Image Credits: Whiteflowerfarm

Moth Orchid can elevate your mood by producing an outstanding aroma. The beautiful flower is typically a foot tall and pet-friendly.

#6 Bromeliads

Image Credits: Gardenersworld

Bromeliads show off red and yellow flowers to provide an exotic touch to the interior of your home.

#7 Fittonia

Image Credits: Apartmenttherapy

Fittonia grows up to 10-12 inches tall and is a pet-friendly houseplant.

#8 African Violet

Image Credits: Almanac

African Violet s a great addition to your home and safe for pets.

#9 Purple Passion

Image Credits: Highlandmoss

This beautiful Purple Passion plant is completely safe for your cats and dogs.

#10 Friendship Plant

Image Credits: Autostraddle

The Friendship plant is adorned with intricately patterned leaves and is safe for your pets.

#11 Chinese Money Plant

Image Credits: Thelittlebotanical

Chinese Money Plant also is harmless to your pets even after nibbling.

#12 Baby Rubber Plant

Image Credits: Twitter

Baby Rubber Plant is harmless to your pets. It does not require much care.

#13 Watermelon Peperomia

Image Credits: Listy

Watermelon Peperomia gets the most love for its beautiful watermelon-like foliage. It also is safe around pets!

#14 Parlor Palm

Image Credits: Smartgardenguide

Parlor Palm has an excellent air-purifying ability, it also is safe for cats and dogs.

#15 Pearl Plant

Image Credits: Wayfair

Pearl Plant is safe for cats and dogs. This hardy, succulent plant, with pearl-like tubercles over its fleshy, blue-green leaves.

#16 Prayer Plant

Image Credits: Bybrittanygoldwyn

Prayer plant grows up to 10-12 inches and it’s safe for your pets if they bite it.

#17 Haworthia

Image Credits: Apartmenttherapy

Haworthia is safe for cats and dogs. Plus, it is low-maintenance and just requires some indirect light.

#18 Peacock Plant

Image Credits: Etsy

Peacock Plant has eye-catching glossy foliage accompanied by dark-green blotches along the veins, it resembles peacock’s feathers. The plant is also non-toxic for cats and dogs.

#19 Zebra Plant

Image Credits: Stamenandstemblog

Zebra Plant has stripes of green and cream colors over its waxy foliage. It is a beautiful plant and friend with pets.

#20 Ponytail Palm

Image Credits: Bhg

Ponytail Palm grows slowly and doesn’t need much care and is safe for cats.

#21 Burro’s Tail

Image Credits: Crocus

Burro’s Tail has fleshy blue-green fat leaves and dangling stems. It’s safe for cats and dogs.

#22 Swedish Ivy

Image Credits: Plantandpot

Swedish Ivy is pet-friendly and shows off distinctive and dainty green leaves. Also, it produces a smell of aromatic due to its small lilac flowers.

#23 Cast Iron Plant

Image Credits: Brighterblooms

Cast Iron Plant has lush green foliage, which gives it a stunning look. It is a slow grower and thrives in extreme conditions.

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