16 Impressive Bathroom Garden Ideas

The bathroom is an extra space, but it plays a very important role in the home space. It is a place where you use it every day to relax, relieve stress, and fatigue. The airy bathrooms with modern and clean spaces always attract everyone. And in the post today, we will share 16 impressive bathroom garden ideas with an open and relaxing space with green plants.

Adding trees not only makes your bathroom more beautiful but also helps you immerse yourself in natural life. What’s even more amazing is that they will help you absorb moisture in your bathroom to prevent the environment from growing molds. For the good reason, why you don’t think add some plants in your bathroom with these ideas here? Save them and try when you want!

#1 Grow a Tall Houseplant

Grow a tall houseplant like this fishtail palm in your bathroom, close to the window. To add more greenery, give space to a few small plants on the slanted ladder.

#2 DIY Hanging Brass Planters

Experiment with the metal bowls and DIY them into beautiful hanging planters. Grow pothos or other trailing house plants that enjoy humidity.

#3 Grow Big Foliage Plants

Most of the big foliage houseplants love humidity and a bathroom can be a great space for planting them if you’ve got a window there.

#4 Grow Colorful Indoor Plants

We all start our day in the bathroom–make it bright and colorful by adding plants like bromeliads on the windowsill.

#5 A Plant Mom’s Bathroom

If you’re a plant mom, it’s a crime if you won’t have your favorite houseplants in your bathroom. Take inspiration from this image!

#6 Bathroom Mini Garden

Succulents, ferns, peace lilies, and fragrant indoor plants are great for your bathroom. You can hang a couple of hanging baskets as well.

#7 Grow Carnivorous Plants

The microclimate of your bathroom can be favorable for carnivorous plants. The only stipulation is that it should be bright and big.

#8 Bathroom Jungle

If you love to surround yourself with plants, copy this bathroom garden idea. Snake plant, dumb cane, pothos, philodendron, spider plant, and orchids become great bathroom houseplants.

#9 Terrariums Give a Modern Touch

For a modish feel, add succulent and air plant terrariums and ferns in your bathroom.

#10 Palms are Great Alternatives

For a luxe bathroom, grow palms as they love humid surroundings. A bright window that receives indirect light will make this possible.

#11 Bring the Outdoor Shower Indoors

If you have a bathroom that receives some sunlight, bring the amazing experience of outdoor shower indoors by growing houseplants.

#12 Tropical Plants Bathroom

Tropical foliage houseplants like rubber plants, monstera deliciosa can make your bathroom look out-of-the-world.

#13 Add a Dash of Color

Add a dash of color with an Anthurium plant, poinsettia can be a great alternative too. If there’s south or west-facing window, you can grow crown of thorns as well.

#14 Have a Moss Wall

A green wall is one of the latest bathroom trends. While maintaining a living wall is difficult, you can add a preserved moss wall, you can attach live pieces in it like air plants and succulents.

#15 For a Luxe Bathroom

While plants can bring energy and liveliness to your bathroom, adding scented candles can make it appear luxe.

#16 Place Cascading Plants on a Bathroom Ladder

The space on your shower shelves is excellent for keeping some small pots. If you like, place a bathroom ladder too, to put your accessories and some cascading houseplants on it.

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