25 Clever Houseplants in Mason Jars Ideas
1. Herbs in Mason Jars Small shallow-root herbs, starter plants, or cuttings can easily be grown in mason jars. 2. English Ivy in a Small Mason Jar You can easily…
Read more23 Most Stunning Types of Crotons!
Types of Crotons 1. Zanzibar Croton Plant yayasplants Botanical Name: Codiaeum variegatum ‘Zanzibar’ Zanzibar can grow up to 3-4 feet tall. It produces green, red, purple, orange, and yellow narrow…
Read more102 Best Blue Flowers For the Garden
Best Blue Flowers Some of the plants in this list may have a purple or other than blue hue in the flowers and may not be ‘pure blue’. 1. Jacquemontia…
Read more11 Ways to Grow ZZ Plants in Home and Garden
Growing ZZ Plants Indoors Before moving on to ways to grow ZZ plants, you need to know everything about Growing a ZZ plant indoors. Selecting a Container Select a well-draining pot with…
Read more12 Popular Indoor Plant Varieties for Terrariums
Indoor Plant Varieties for Terrariums 1. Miniature Snake Plants Snake plants like ‘Sansevieria Fernwood Punk’ and ‘Golden Hahnii‘ are small and easy to care for. They are excellent choices for terrariums…
Read more43 Most Beautiful Succulent Container Garden DIYs You Must Try!
Succulent Container Garden DIYs With Tutorials 1. Succulent Birdhouse Planter This birdhouse brimming with an assortment of different succulents’ cuttings, can be your next idea to get an amazing look…
Read more33 Lovely Landscaping Ideas for a Relaxing Minimalist Garden
A mınımalıst garden uses a lımıted number of desıgn elements It presents a sımple and uncluttered elegant, relaxıng appearance It ıs an excellent gardenıng style for senıors or people who…
Read more30 Side Yard Landscaping Ideas to Create a More Relaxing Space
Side yards often are narrow and more utilitarian in nature. But with a little planning and creativity, you can make your side yard both useful and appealing, whether it shows…
Read more31 Beautiful Landscaping Along a Fence Ideas to Add Interest to Your Home
A lot of people would ask, why do we still need fence landscaping when it is already fenced? Well, we get that the fence is already functioning as it is…
Read more41 Best “Landscaping Along the Fence” Ideas for Any Budget
Gardening is one of those activities that allows us to express the full range of our creativity, and the choices aren’t limited to which raised plant beds to build or…
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