Un leopardo pelea con su cachorro por una comida. Finalmente, se libera, salta de un árbol alto y no aterriza sobre sus pies.
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Michele Bron pudo capturar toda la escena en video y lo compartió con LatestSightings.com.
“Mi guía y yo habíamos visto a un leopardo que había derribado un impala. La encontramos descansando en un árbol, alimentándose de su 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁. Tomamos la decisión a la mañana siguiente de regresar al sitio y tal vez tomar algunas fotografías bien iluminadas”.
Why do leopards carry their 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁s up trees? The answer is simple: It’s for protection. By hoisting their 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁 up high, they can keep it away from other predators, such as lions and hyenas, who might try to steal it. The higher vantage point of a tree allows the leopard to keep an eye on any potential threats and safely enjoy their meal.
“However, the next morning, the leopard and the impala carcass were not to be found. What happened next was something I will never forget. We found the mother leopard and her cub fighting over the impala’s remains, and things quickly escalated.”
Leopards are solitary animals, but they form strong bonds with their young. Cubs typically stay with their mother until they are around two years old and are capable of surviving on their own. During this time, the mother will teach her cubs how to hunt and protect themselves. However, once the cubs reach maturity, they will leave their mother and establish their own territory.
“The mother and cub were locked in a tug of war that seemed to go on for an eternity when eventually the cub lost her grip on the 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁. We are used to seeing leopards land gracefully on their feet. However, the mother landed very awkwardly on her back with the 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁 in her mouth. She quickly regained her composure and ran off.”
Observar la vida silvestre en su hábitat natural es una experiencia como ninguna otra. Desde aprender sobre su comportamiento y dinámica familiar hasta presenciar momentos asombrosos, cada encuentro con la vida silvestre nos enseña algo nuevo.