17 Best Zz Plant Varieties to Grow Indoors

ZZ Plant Types

1. Raven


The Raven ZZ plant has glossy violet-black leaves that sport a darker color in low-light locations. The lime-toned younger leaves give a striking contrast to the foliage and make it stand out among all ZZ plant types. It is also called the black raven ZZ plant due to its dark foliage.

2. Variegated ZZ Plant


Looking for one with low ZZ plant care? The Variegated ZZ plant is loved widely for its beautiful foliage splashed in yellow, white, and green. Their easy-going nature makes them the first choice for busy gardeners.

3. Zanzibar Gem (Regular ZZ plant)

The Zanzibar Gem displays lance-shaped, thick, mid-green leaves that’ll give the perfect tropical vibe to any bland ambiance. If you want to enjoy the ZZ plant flower in midsummer, grow this one. 

4. ZZ Zamicro

As the name suggests, this is a dwarf ZZ variety that grows 1-3 feet tall, featuring dark-green ovulate leaves. Grow the plant in bright indirect light for the best display.

5. Lucky Classic 


Unlike other ZZ plant types, the Lucky Classic ZZ Plant has spherical leaves, slightly tapered at the end. Grow this glossy variety at a low-lit location for a beautiful display of lush foliage.

6. Lucky Giant


Lucky Giant offers larger and more elongated leaves than the other ‘lucky’ ZZ plant varieties. The mid-green glossy foliage makes them one of the best ZZ plant types.

7. Gold Variegated 


Searching for a ZZ plant yellow leaves? Gold-variegated ZZ is a beautiful houseplant that displays golden-yellow to creamy-white foliage on fleshy green stems. The myriad-hued leaves make it one of the most expensive ZZ plant types.

8. White Variegated


This ZZ cultivar features white variegated leaves with splotches of green on the surface. Grow the plant in a well-draining medium for the stunning shiny look in your cozy backdrop, and the full grown ZZ plant will spruce up the space.

9. Super Nova


Another popular one among the best ZZ plant types, the Supernova, grows leaves in a green tint, but as they age, the foliage takes a dark hue. Keep it at a dappled location for the best growth.

10. Zenzi ZZ Plant


The Zenzi ZZ Plant is a dwarf one of the ZZ plant types, with smaller leaves and a compact growth habit. It is an excellent choice for small spaces and tabletops.

11. Dowon ZZ Plant

The Dowon ZZ Plant is a rare variety of the ZZ plant, with unique, wavy leaves that give it a distinctive appearance. It is a slow-growing plant that requires minimal care.

12. Akebono ZZ Plant

The Akebono ZZ Plant with green and yellow leaves that add a pop of color to any room are amazing ZZ plant varieties. It is a low-maintenance plant that can tolerate low-light conditions.

13. ZZ Jungle Warrior

The ZZ Jungle Warrior is a cultivar of the ZZ plant, with larger leaves and a more upright growth habit than the standard ZZ plant.

14. Lucky White ZZ Plant


The Lucky White ZZ Plant is a rare variety of the ZZ plant, with light green leaves that have a whiter appearance. It is a low-maintenance plant that can tolerate low-light conditions.

15. Chameleon ZZ Plant


The most compelling aspect of the Chameleon ZZ Plant is its leaves that exhibit shades of dark green, light green, and sometimes even a touch of gold or yellow.

16. Zamioculcas zamiifolia ‘Lucky’

The ‘Lucky’ ZZ plant stands out among ZZ plant types with its rounded leaflets, unlike the pointy leaflets of the species. It was awarded a U.S. Plant Patent #23594 on May 14, 2013, and is known for its shorter and more compact habitat.

17. Zamioculcas zamiifolia ‘Dark Zamicro’

Verdant Dwellings

The ‘Dark Zamicro’ is a compact black ZZ plant with small leaflets and nearly black foliage. It received a U.S. Plant Patent #288847 on January 2, 2018.

How to Care For ZZ Plant

  • ZZ Plant Light Requirements: ZZ plants thrive in indirect, low to bright indirect light. They can tolerate low-light conditions but grow best with indirect sunlight.
  • ZZ Plant New Growth: New growth in ZZ plants typically appears as fresh shoots emerging from the rhizomes, and these shoots can be slow to develop but gradually extend into new leaves.
  • ZZ Plant Repotting: ZZ plants prefer slightly cramped pots and only need repotting when they become root-bound or outgrow their container, which may be every 2-3 years.
  • How Often to Water ZZ Plant: ZZ plants are drought-tolerant and should be watered sparingly. Water when the top inch or two of the soil is dry, which can range from every 2-4 weeks, depending on environmental conditions.
  • ZZ Plant Leaves Turning Yellow: Yellowing leaves on a ZZ plant can be a sign of overwatering, poor drainage, or low light. Adjusting the watering schedule and ensuring proper drainage can help resolve this issue.

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