Nowadays, there are a lot of people who love growing ferns for decorating in house because they bring green that full of life and luxurious beauty. They can also absorb harmful substances, purify the air and the environment. So if you are looking for something to decorate for your working environment or your house, they are the best choice. And in the post, we recommend 20 Best Ferns To Grow in Containers that you will love with their charm beauty.
They easy to grow, not picky. They have strong vitality to grow quickly. They will grow well if planted in the rich soil of humus and produce beautiful leaves. Ferns prefer shade but grow well in well-lit areas if sufficient water is supplied. You can grow them in aquatic pots, or plant in beautiful pots on their desks, study tables, reception tables, bookshelves, TV shelves, dining tables, windows, stair platforms… For larger-sized pots, you can make shelves stand higher in the corner of the house that next to the window, they will be a beautiful variation.
#1 Lady Fern
This is a finely textured ornamental foliage plant that you can grow in containers easily. Place it in a partially to fully shaded spot in cooler zones. Keep the soil moist, and choose a small to medium sized pot; you can also grow lady fern in hanging baskets.
#2 Shaggy Shield Fern
This evergreen fern sports medium-sized clumps of mild green, lacy fronds borne on black stems. It is often used in conjunction with other shade-loving plants. Grow it in a partially shaded spot, in an average sized container, using moist, well-drained potting soil.
#3 Scaly Male Fern
This versatile fern is noticeable at a distance, with its yellowish-green fronds and dark pinnae. It grows best in cool temperatures and adopts a compact.
#4 Sunset Fern
This gorgeous evergreen fern forms a shuttlecock of delicate, arching fronds that appear coppery-red at first and dark green when mature. This lovely transition of colors is the reason behind its name. Perfect for containers, in a semi-shade spots with moist soil, this robust plant maintains a striking look all through summer and fall.
#5 Hay Scented Fern
It has the typical fragrance of hay. Keep the plant in partial sun, water regularly to maintain the consistent moisture
#6 Dallas Fern
This Dallas Fern is heat loving; more compact in nature than Boston Fern and flaunts short fronds with a frilly appearance. One of the most attractive features of the plant is that it is less likely to shed leaves than other closely related ferns. It prefers indirect light and uniform watering. However, it can manage to thrive in less light and moisture too.
#7 Kimberley Queen Fern
This elegant fern flaunts upright, deep-green fronds that retain their form in wind and hail. While it does have a preference for shade, it does well if exposed to full sun for some time, as long as it gets regular water.
#8 Macho Fern
You can grow this Macho Fern in containers and urns either outdoors on patios, porches, front doors or indoors. Place the pot in a spot that receives a few hours of morning sun, away from drying winds, keep the soil moist and fertilize a couple of times during the growing season.
#9 Tiger Fern
This plant is a quick grower and works well either solo or as a companion houseplant in baskets and containers, keep it in a part sun in a cool climate and in the shade in hot regions. Display your Tiger fern in a cool spot like a porch or a balcony. Proper drainage is crucial too, or this plant will end up wilting.
#10 Autumn Fern
This plant prefers warm and humid settings and performs well if given proper shade and moisture. Its short height (up to 2 feet), preference for deep shade makes it one of the best ferns to grow in containers on a shady spot.
One of the best evergreen ferns for containers, it bears unique tongue-shaped leaves with pointed ends. Grows well in shaded areas, it’s often seen covering large areas underneath trees and rocks or alongside streams where its upright fronds form a striking contrast with the rounded shapes of damp-loving flowers.
#12 Western Sword Fern
This maintenance-free native fern is known for its green, sword-shaped fronds, it needs well-drained soil and occasional trimming.
#13 Boston Fern
It has a close relative with f the sword fern, this elegant, old-fashioned plant is valued for its leathery, kelly-green foliage. With its ruffled leaves and gracefully arching fronds, it’s easy to see why it’s so admired worldwide.
#14 New Zealand Tree Fern (Wheki Fern)
This is a slow growing plant with lush fronds that spread above a thick trunk like other ferns it prefers a shady environment for optimal growth. It’s not very cold-hardy and requires moderate temperatures to thrive.
#15 Japanese Painted Fern
This fern stands out from the regular green shades of common ferns with its gorgeous, silvery foliage. It prefers morning sun and light shade throughout the day.
#16 Holly Fern
It doesn’t tolerate very low temperatures, holly fern does thrive in moderately harsh winters and prefers warm climates.
#17 Maidenhair Fern
One of the best ferns for containers, it’s known for its unique light green foliage. Grows best in moist, lightly shaded areas with good air circulation. Maidenhair Fern can be grown both outdoors and indoors with some care.
#18 Korean Rock Fern
A versatile and trouble-free evergreen plant. It also tolerates heat and humidity well, and stays fresh as long you provide it with well-drained soil and regular watering.
#19 Royal Fern
They develop a pinkish hue in spring. The gorgeous foliage turns into the rusty-brown shade in fall. Low-maintenance and disease-resistance, Royal Fern is a nice asset for shady beds, cottage gardens, and hanging baskets.
#20 Asparagus Fern (Foxtail Fern)
This fern-like plant has arching plumes of tightly packed, needle-like leaves that look soft and delicate. It can be grown indoors as a houseplant or in containers outside in cooler zones.