26 Beautiful “Backyard Waterfall” Ideas for Your Garden Pleasure

Waterfalls and water features are more than just pleasing aesthetics for your garden landscaping, they are a peaceful and mind-relaxing addition that brings ambiance to your outdoor living space.

Whether in quantities of large or small, trickling water makes your yard look more spacious, and attracts beneficial birds and insects (like butterflies and other pollinators).

Waterscapes most definitely do not need to be large or expensive. If you have the room and want to use the space, there are many ways to fill your area and stay within your budget with a little bit of planning.

If you are uncertain about the time and effort required for anything large, consider smaller waterfall features that incorporate running water, but on a scale you can handle.

Garden waterfalls don’t need to be traditional in nature. Consider mixing it up and having a bit of fun! Most people love to add fish into their ponds for both aesthetic and cleaning purposes.

Credit: Pinterest


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