74 Types of Yellow Flowers for the Garden

Yellow Flowers Meaning

Yellow flowers carry a special meaning in the language of blooms. Their bright and cheerful hue often represents happiness, joy, and friendship. When you gift someone yellow flowers, you share sunshine and positivity.

1. Joy and Happiness

These flowers symbolize joy and happiness. Their bright color is like a smile from nature, radiating positivity and cheerfulness. When you give someone yellow blooms, you share a little sunshine to brighten their day.

2. Friendship and Companionship

They represent the bond of companionship and the warmth of good friends. Gifting yellow fowers can convey your appreciation for someone’s friendship and the happiness they bring into your life.

3. New Beginnings

These flowers symbolize hope and the promise of a brighter future. Giving yellow blooms can be a thoughtful gesture to support someone on a new journey or adventure.

4. Positivity and Optimism

Yellow flowers remind us to focus on the bright side and stay optimistic. Sharing yellow blossoms with someone can serve as a reminder to stay positive, even during challenging times.

Yellow Flower Bushes

1. Billy Buttons

Botanical Name: Craspedia globosa

Billy Buttons is a beautiful flowering plant with spherical, golden-yellow flower heads that bring a pop of color to gardens and floral arrangements.

2. Yellow Corydalis

Botanical Name: Pseudofumaria lutea

This small plant shows off bright yellow blooms and leathery leaves. Yellow Corydalis is common in woodland areas.

3. Yellow Cosmos

Botanical Name: Cosmos sulphureus

Yellow Cosmos offers bright yellow flowers with a simple, daisy-like shape. They make gardens look vibrant and attract bees and butterflies.

4. Yellow Columbine


Botanical Name: Aquilegia chrysantha

This plant produces vibrant yellow flowers that resemble upside-down bells. It also attracts bees and hummingbirds.

5. Yellow Primrose

Botanical Name: Primula veris

The plant offers bright yellow petals in early spring, adding color to gardens. This low-maintenance plant grows well in partial shade.

6. Geranium

Botanical Name: Geranium

Geraniums, with many colors including yellow, flower from spring through fall. Their colorful blooms make them a garden favorite.

7. Yellow Alpine Poppy

Botanical Name: Papaver alpinum

It features delicate, sunny-yellow flowers that thrive in high-altitude areas. These alpine poppies add a forest-like vibe to gardens.

8. Yellow Bird’s Foot Trefoil

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Botanical Name: Lotus corniculatus

This plant is famous for its vibrant yellow flowers, which bloom from late spring to early summer. It is an ideal choice for ground cover.

9. Yellow Flag Iris

Botanical Name: Iris pseudacorus

This plant stands out with its striking blossoms. It thrives near water features and can be a beautiful addition to wetland gardens.

10. Yarrow

Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium

This drought-tolerant plant displays clusters of small yellow flowers that attract pollinators. It thrives in well-draining soil.

11. Carnation

Botanical Name: Dianthus caryophyllus

Carnations, especially the canary ones, are perfect for any garden setting. They bloom in late spring and early summer, adding a classic touch to gardens.

12. Zinnia

Botanical Name: Zinnia

Zinnias offer vibrant flowers that are easy to grow. They flower in summer and fall, making them a beautiful addition to any garden.

13. Lily

Botanical Name: Lilium

Lilies come in various types and colors, including yellow. They’re famous for their fragrance and bloom in summer.

14. Daylily

Daylilies open their captivating blossoms during the day. They’re hardy and provide long-lasting beauty from late spring to early fall.

15. Dutch Hyacinth

Dutch Hyacinth ‘Yellow Queen’ displays ball-like clusters of yellow blooms in spring, emanating a sweet fragrance.

16. Marigold

Marigolds are famous for their bright yellow flowers that bloom from spring to fall, enhancing gardens and repelling pests.

17. Rose

Types of Yellow Flowers 15

Roses come in many colors, and the yellow one is surely the showstopper of them all! 4-5 hours of sunlight will make it bloom in bunch!

18. Lesser Celandine

Types of Yellow Flowers 16

Botanical Name: Ficaria Verna

Lesser Celandine, a petite perennial, boasts bright star-like yellow flowers that bloom early in spring, reaching a height of 4-8 inches.

19. Yellow Lupine

East Bay Wilds

Botanical Name: Lupinus densiflorus

Yellow Lupine, with tall spikes of sunny yellow blossoms, creates a striking display in gardens and meadows.

20. Begonia

Botanical Name: Begonia

Begonias offers diverse hybrid yellow varieties, thriving in filtered sunlight and enhancing garden beauty.

21. Daffodil

Botanical Name: Narcissus

Daffodils have long been gardeners’ favorite because of their exquisite beauty and low maintenance. They make for beautiful cut flowers as well!

22. Freesia

Botanical Name: Freesia

Freesias release a soothing scent, making them a fragrant delight in gardens and bouquets. They are easy to maintain, too!

23. Yellow Petunia

Botanical Name: Petunia ‘Easy Wave Yellow’

Though the flowers are not entirely yellow, they have a pleasant tint on the white petals that gets more saturated at the center.

24. Yellow Lantana

Botanical Name: Lantana camara ‘Yellow Trailing’

Easy to grow and maintain, this lantana variety will surely attract you with its bright blooms that come in clusters!

25. Hibiscus

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Botanical Name: Hibiscus

Hibiscus blooms are available in various shades and offer large, showy blossoms, symbolizing the beauty of sunny days.

26. Canna Lily

Botanical Name: Canna

Unrelated to true lilies, Canna Lilies present vibrant blooms as long as they get plenty of sunlight and well-draining soil.

27. Busy Lizzie


Botanical Name: Impatiens walleriana

Busy Lizzie is also called Impatiens, and it will thrive best if planted right next to one another. Busy Lizzie brings a pop of color to any garden.

28. Dahlia


Botanical Name: Dahlia

Dahlia blooms appear in diverse colors, including radiant yellow, that enhance garden beauty.

29. Common Sunflower


Botanical Name: Helianthus annuus

The iconic Common Sunflower, with its yellow petals and golden disk, symbolizes sunny days.

30. Chrysanthemum

Jason’s Pumpkin Patch

Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum

These popular flowers come in various types and colors, including yellow, adding vibrancy to gardens and floral arrangements.

31. Yellow Monkeyflower


Botanical Name: Mimulus guttatus

Yellow Monkeyflower showcases snapdragon-like blooms in a vibrant yellow hue. They thrive in wet environments and attract pollinators.

32. Bulbine

Botanical Name: Bulbine

Bulbine displays star-like yellow flowers, adding elegance to drought-resistant landscapes. They are easy to maintain.

33. Yellow Sage

Botanical Name: Salvia flava

This plant adds texture and visual interest to any herb garden or landscape with its aromatic, silvery-green foliage and striking blooms.

34. Hellebores

Botanical Name: Helleborus

Hellebores symbolize the end of winter. It grows striking flowers that match well with the dark foliage of the plant.

35. Yellow Pincushion Flower

Botanical Name: Scabiosa ochroleuca

This plant’s compact, globe-like blooms can be a charming addition to any rock garden or container.

36. Yellow Rockrose

Botanical Name: Cistus ladanifer

This one adds a bold, eye-catching touch to Mediterranean landscapes with showy petals and dark yellow centers.

37. Calla Lily

Botanical Name: Zantedeschia

Calla Lily exhibits beautiful blossoms that stand out in containers. They do well in areas with indirect sunlight for most of the day.

38. Yellow Gorse

Botanical Name: Ulex europaeus

Also famous as yellow bells, it forms a beautiful golden veil with small blooms, ideal for coastal or heathland settings.

39. Bird of Paradise


Botanical Name: Strelitzia reginae

Bird of Paradise comes in the exotic variety – ‘Mandela’s Gold,’ adding a tropical touch to gardens with its large, vibrant blooms.

40. Yellow Foxglove

Botanical Name: Digitalis grandiflora

Yellow Foxgloves stand tall with spire-like stems and trumpet-like yellow flowers that add stately elegance to gardens.

41. Yellow Lady’s Slipper


Botanical Name: Cypripedium parviflorum

It showcases graceful, slipper-like flowers with bright yellow sepals and petals, adding a delicate touch to the gardens.

42. Yellow Iris

Botanical Name: Iris pseudacorus

This plant is a beautiful option for anyone looking for bright container blooms. If it gets plenty of sunlight, it will be happy to thrive without any fuss!

43. Black-Eyed Susan

Botanical Name: Rudbeckia hirta

Black-Eyed Susan contrasts its yellow sepals with a dark center, making it a beautiful option you can’t resist!

44. Goldenrod


Botanical Name: Solidago

Goldenrod, a native North American perennial wildflower, stands tall and slender, gracing the landscape with its fluffy golden flower spikes, displaying yellow hues.

45. Yellow Ginger Lily

Botanical Name: Hedychium flavescens

It boasts large, exotic blooms in a bright shade of lemon yellow. It adds a tropical touch to any garden bed or outdoor living space.

46. Tickseed

Botanical Name: Coreopsis

It deserves a spot in your flower garden if not for the beauty, then for the long blooming time of stunning blososms!

47. Gerbera Daisy

Types of Yellow Flowers 13

Botanical Name: Gerbera Jamesonii

You can grow beautiful gerbera daisies indoors; learn more here. It offers an attractive indoor option with its vibrant yellow blooms.

48. Yellow Elder


Botanical Name: Tecoma stans

Also famous for the name Yellow Bells, it offers bell-shaped blooms in canary hues, which are truly eye-catching!

49. Yellow Butterfly Bush

Botanical Name: Buddleja × weyeriana ‘Honeycomb’

It features lance-like leaves and fragrant yellow blooms. The plant is an excellent choice for the borders as it is easy to maintain, too.

50. Yellow Oleander

Types of Yellow Flowers 15

Botanical Name: Cascabela thevetia

Yellow Oleander, with its vibrant, funnel-like blooms, adds a touch of exotic beauty to gardens in warm climates.

Note: All parts of this plant are poisonous. Some even call it a suicide tree. Eating its leaves deliberately has severe consequences.

51. Yellow Wood Sorrel


Botanical Name: Oxalis stricta

The Yellow Wood Sorrel adds subtle beauty and natural charm to any garden with its delicate, heart-like leaves and tiny blossoms.

52. Evening Primroses


Botanical Name: Oenothera

The good thing about this little yellow wildflower is that it only requires a little care, and even a novice gardener can grow it quickly.

53. Prickly Pear

Types of Yellow Flowers 4

Botanical Name: Opuntia

This spiny cactus bears cute little flowers and edible fruits, too! It is one of the best types of cactus you can grow easily.

Yellow Flower Climbers and Vines

54. Jessamine


Botanical Name: Gelsemium Sempervirens

Also known as Yellow Jasmine, this vine doesn’t belong to the jasmine family. It offers a soothing fragrance, too!

55. Honeysuckle

Botanical Name: Lonicera

Honeysuckle vines are popular for their fragrant blooms that attract hummingbirds and butterflies. These beautiful vines are a charming addition to any garden or trellis.

56. Golden Trumpet

Botanical Name: Allamanda cathartica

The Golden Trumpet vine is aptly named for its large, trumpet-like flowers. It thrives in warm climates.

57. Canary Creeper

Botanical Name: Tropaeolum peregrinum

It is a beautiful vine that produces clusters of bright canary-like flowers. You can also train it to grow anywhere.

Yellow Flower Trees

58. Golden Shower Tree

Botanical Name: Cassia fistula

The Golden Shower Tree display cascades of brilliant blooms that drape gracefully from its branches.

59. Yellow Poinciana

Botanical Name: Peltophorum pterocarpum

The tree stands out with its golden, butterfly-like flowers that float in the breeze. These bright blooms create a vibrant, sunny atmosphere in any garden or urban setting.

60. Laburnum

Botanical Name: Laburnum anagyroides

Also popular as the Golden Chain Tree, it forms long, drooping clusters of blossoms. The elegant appearance and unique floral arrangement make it a great garden addition.

61. Mimosa Tree

Botanical Name: Albizia julibrissin

The Mimosa Tree, with its fluffy, pom-pom-like flowers, adds a touch of exotic allure to landscapes.

62. Forsythia

Botanical Name: Forsythia x intermedia

Forsythia ushers in spring with a profusion of bright blooms that cover its branches before the leaves appear.

63. Yellowwood Tree

Botanical Name: Cladrastis kentukea

The Yellowwood Tree graces gardens with its clusters of fragrant, creamy-yellow flowers. The graceful form and aromatic blossoms make it an elegant choice.

Yellow Flower Ground Covers

64. Leontodon

Botanical Name: Leontodon

You probably would have seen this flower in meadows or stony slopes. The bright yellow color is charming and eye-catchy.

65. Bear’s Ear


Botanical Name: Primula auricula

Bear’s Ear, with its large and fuzzy blooms, offers a unique and captivating presence in the wild, reminiscent of a warm embrace.

66. Portulaca

Image Credit: Proven Winners

Botanical Name: Portulaca grandiflora

An excellent choice for warm-climate gardeners, you can grow them annually in cold climates. Some common names are rose moss, ten o’clock, and Mexican rose.

67. Creeping Buttercup

Botanical Name: Ranunculus repens

Considered a weed in many regions, the creeping buttercup presents a good choice as the groundcover. It is one of the best creeping groundcover plants.

68. Bulbous Buttercup

Botanical Name: Ranunculus Bulbosus

What sets these beautiful blooms apart from the other meadow buttercup flowers is that the sepals are down-turned.

Yellow Flower Herbs

69. Yellow Allium

Botanical Name: Allium moly

Boasting a ball-like cluster of tiny, star-like yellow blooms on tall, sturdy stems, it makes a statement in any garden bed or landscape design.

70. Calendula

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Botanical name: Calendula officinalis

Calendulas are famous as pot marigolds but are of a different genus. These beautiful yellow specimens are edible as well.

71. Chamomile

Botanical Name: Matricaria chamomilla

Chamomile is a soothing herb with a gentle, apple-like fragrance. They are perfect for brewing calming herbal teas.

72. Dandelion

Botanical Name: Taraxacum officinale

Dandelion is a versatile herb with bright blooms. Beyond its beautiful appearance, dandelion is famous for its culinary and medicinal uses.

73. St. John’s Wort

Botanical Name: Hypericum perforatum

St. John’s Wort is a herbaceous plant with clusters of star-like flowers. This herb has a long history of traditional use in herbal medicine.

74. Arnica

Botanical Name: Arnica montana

Arnica is a mountain herb famous for its bright yellow, daisy-like blooms. The vibrant flowers are a reminder of nature’s healing power.

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