23 Magical Cottage Gardens That Cozy Up Your Outdoor


Sometimes you just need to take a break from all your activities, and when you really need a place to rest then this dream cottage garden is the best escape. Get inspired to make your cottage garden a refreshing outdoor oasis. It’s a magical place where you’re ready to welcome spring, and there’s nothing more comfortable than sitting on one of the benches to enjoy the view of the flowering bushes and the scent of roses and lavender drifting in the wind.

A fairytale-like garden meant for daydreaming, not just for yourself but for those you love. I’ve always loved the serene ambiance of a cottage garden. From the climbing plants that entwined the porch posts, and the lush plants that covered the pot shed and chicken coop. You’ll love walking down the gravel path to the secret house or garden, and don’t forget to pick up a few bunches of rosemary or a flower from your garden path.

The cottage garden feels more beautiful because of its natural setting, there are no specific rules how you should make it so it creates a free-wandering mood. Get inspired!


Garden shed

Cottage gardens are not organized in such a way, and their main function is actually as an area to grow various vegetables, herbs or various useful plants. That’s why you need a garden shed to store all your gardening supplies, and this garden shed usually faces the vegetable patch. Even though today’s cottage garden is more synonymous with flower landscapes, you will find that there is nothing more enjoyable than having an edible garden.


Inviting wild landscape

The wilder the plant arrangement, the more it adds to the magical power of your cottage garden. Let the plants grow as they are, even the flowering shrubs are the main attraction. Nothing is trimmed too perfectly, nothing is painstakingly arranged because you just have to let it slide. Climbing plants are my favorite, and flowers that are planted tightly are encouraged to grow wild.


Classic floral

The cottage garden adheres to a timeless classic style. The décor features many natural elements such as wood, pallets and vintage pieces of furniture. So, choose classic flowering plants that fit into the cottage garden style like roses, lavender, daisies and salvia in lovely pastel shades.


The fence is a feature

Cottage gardens are usually divided into small areas such as garden paths to rows of flowering shrubs. A fence or stone wall that divides the garden into a series of smaller rooms. In addition to adding privacy, a fence entwined with plants adds an aesthetic impression to the cottage garden decor. Meanwhile, the appearance of stone walls makes this garden usable for generations.

Find your favorite cottage garden ideas below!
















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