20 Minimalist Japanese Garden Ideas That Zen Inspired

Japanese gardens have become a new trend that is widely applied to modern homes to urban areas. This garden style has many advantages because it does not require a large area of ??land to use a minimalist landscape. If you want a garden design that is inspired by nature, is unique, comfortable, and can provide tranquility, then a Japanese garden is the best idea. In their home country, Japanese gardens have another name for zen gardens which usually consist of rocks, sand, and a combination of green plants and other elements.

The main reason why zen gardens are in great demand is because this garden style has a very calming appearance, making it suitable for areas to relax or unwind. Bringing a zen garden into your home can create a unique impression as well as being close to nature which you won’t be able to get in modern garden designs. If you like the concept of a Japanese garden, then a zen garden is worth considering for a small house or minimalist style.

Here are some inspirations and tips that come from the land of cherry blossoms that you can use to create your dream garden. Find serenity in the mix of plants, sand and rocks here!


What is the concept of a zen garden?

Before you start changing a Japanese-style garden, you should first know about the zen garden. This garden style is also called Japanese rock garden which has existed since the sixth century by Zen Buddhist monks, as a medium for meditation. There are three principles for a zen garden, namely the principle of naturalness (Shizen), simplicity (Kanso), and thrift (koko). These principles are what gave birth to various designs that emphasize balance, comfort, and accuracy. In its manufacture you need to prepare materials taken from nature such as sand, rocks, gravel, to various types of plants. Stone is one of the important elements in a zen garden. Upright or vertical stones can be used to represent trees, flat stones represent water, while curved stones represent fire.


Creating a zen garden for residence

As we know, the zen garden is synonymous with the use of stones and sand, so it is often called a rock garden. You don’t have to have a large area, you can take advantage of every inch you have with the right garden arrangement. Combine natural elements such as stone and sand with a variety of natural Japanese plants. This garden style is usually integrated with an open concept interior.

Use of fish ponds and waterfalls

In addition to the combination of stone, sand, and plants, the element of water is also often seen in zen garden design. You can build a fish pond or mini waterfall as part of your garden decoration. This water element in addition to giving calm is also very good as a meditation medium for life.

Bonsai plants and other types of plants

Bonsai is a typical Japanese plant that has been worldwide. This plant is an element of decoration that you should not forget. In addition to bonsai with a unique appearance, Japanese garden styles usually have many lush plants to several types of colorful flowers.


Create moss as part of the garden

For some people, moss may be considered a disturbing type of plant. But it’s different if you apply it in a zen garden. Moss is an element of green that will make a unique natural look. For those of you who are interested in adding it, there are types of moss plants such as fern moss, rock moss, and pillow moss that are easy to grow in any weather conditions.

Japanese sculptures and decorations

The final element that will complete your zen garden is adding Japanese sculptures and decorations. There are many types of Japanese decorations that you can apply such as stone lanterns, stone statues, or any decoration that symbolizes the style of a Japanese garden. Check out more zen garden inspiration below!

















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