Dwarf Fountain Grass Varieties
1. Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Hameln’

- Height: 18-24 inches
- Color: Green foliage with tan seed heads
‘Hamel,’ originating from Eastern Asia, is a compact clumping variety perfect for border planting and small gardens. It boasts fine-textured, arching leaves.
2. Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Little Bunny’

- Height: 12-18 inches
- Color: Green foliage, creamy-tan plumes
These dwarf fountain grass varieties are native to Eastern Asia, and feature a petite size ideal for container gardening and small outdoor spaces.
3. Pennisetum ‘Red Head’

- Height: 2-3 feet
- Color: Smoky-purple plumes
This hybrid variety is popular for its early emergence of smoky-purple plumes. The plant serves as an excellent focal point in landscaping.
4. Pennisetum orientale ‘Karley Rose’

- Height: 2-3 feet
- Color: Green foliage, rosy-pink plumes
Originating from the Middle East and Southwest Asia, ‘Karley Rose‘ offers rosy-pink plumes that make it an eye-catcher. This drought-tolerant variety is ideal for xeriscaping.
5. Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Moudry’

- Height: 2-3 feet
- Color: Blackish-purple plumes
‘Moudry,’ hailing from Eastern Asia, is notable for its striking blackish-purple plumes, making it an excellent choice for creating contrast in the garden.
6. Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’

- Height: 2-4 feet
- Color: Reddish-purple foliage
‘Ruibum,’ originating from regions in Africa and the Middle East, stands out with its striking reddish-purple foliage. It’s popular as an annual.
7. Pennisetum orientale ‘Tall Tails’

- Height: 3-4 feet
- Color: Creamy-white plumes
Next on the list of dwarf fountain grass varieties, this one stands out when planted in groups and serves as a prominent focal point in the landscape.
8. Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Cassian’

- Height: 24-30 inches
- Color: Green foliage, tan seed heads
From Eastern Asia, ‘Cassian’ offers late summer blooms and versatility in any garden. Its green foliage and tan seed heads add a seasonal interest.
9. Pennisetum messiacum ‘Red Head’

- Height: 1-2 feet
- Color: Reddish foxtails
Native to Africa, ‘Red Head’ is perfect for container gardening due to its compact size. The reddish foxtails add an ornamental element that stands out!
10. Pennisetum spathiolatum ‘Summer Samba’

- Height: 18-24 inches
- Color: Yellowish-tan plumes
This East African native stands out for its unique, feathery appearance. Often used for mass planting, the ‘Summer Samba’ is also great in mixed borders.
11. Pennisetum thunbergii ‘Red Buttons’

- Height: 18-24 inches
- Color: Reddish-brown plumes
Native to Africa, ‘Red Buttons‘ is recognized for its reddish-brown plumes. It thrives in well-drained soil and is often used in mixed borders and containers.
12. Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Desert Plains’

- Height: 3-4 feet
- Color: Green foliage, purplish plumes
Another Eastern Asia native, ‘Desert Plains’ is a versatile grass suitable for a variety of soil types. With purplish plumes, it makes for an attractive centerpiece or a background plant.
13. Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘National Arboretum’

- Height: 2-3 feet
- Color: Green foliage, creamy plumes
Selected for its distinct form, this Eastern Asian variety is often used for its textural qualities. It is ideal for borders and mass plantings.
14. Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Burgundy Bunny’

- Height: 12-16 inches
- Color: Green to red foliage, white plumes
This compact variety from Eastern Asia changes its green foliage to red in the fall. ‘Burgundy Bunny’ is perfect for adding seasonal interest in small spaces and containers.
15. Pennisetum villosum ‘Feathertop’

- Height: 1-2 feet
- Color: Green foliage, white fluffy plumes
‘Feathertop,’ native to Northern Africa, is well-suited for containers and small spaces due to its compact size. Its white, fluffy plumes bring texture and contrast to any setting.
16. Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Lemon Squeeze’

- Height: 2-3 feet
- Color: Lemon-yellow foliage, cream plumes
Last on our list of dwarf fountain grass varieties, it starts with lemon-yellow leaves, which eventually transition to a chartreuse hue. A must have for containers for sure!